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Stay tuned: TowerData is preparing for the cookie-pocalypse

May 13, 2021   |   1 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog


Most email marketers know TowerData as a premier provider of Email Validation, data enhancement and email activity metrics like Open Data. However, we’re also an industry-leading resource for Identity resolution services that connect customer profiles across multiple channels.

As the Google Chrome 3rd party cookie-pocalypse draws near, many brands we work with are concerned about the impact on their advertising technologies and how they’ll retrieve data while respecting customer privacy. This isn’t necessarily a new roadblock for digital marketers; remember, Safari and Firefox have banned 3rd party cookies since 2013.

The difference this time is that Chrome users generate over 50% of all web traffic; that’s a lot of information from 3rd party cookies that email marketers currently use that will become obsolete in the near future.

While there’s still time to prepare (the technology won’t be completely eliminated until 2022), we’re working diligently to future-proof our Identity Matching services to meet your continued identity needs, from identifying website visitors and matching mobile device IDs to appending email data or postal data to your CRM contact records.

In fact, we’re not the only ones going down this path – A recent Adexchanger article highlighted TowerData and 80 other identity solutions attempting to fill the impending 3rd party cookie void.

As the article mentions, Identity resolution goes beyond the “triopoly” of Google, Facebook and Amazon. Sometimes the best option is a smaller organization, like TowerData, that works closely with its customers to help them create compelling customer connections across all marketing channels, direct and digital, while maintaining compliance, security and privacy at all points of the customer journey.

Feel free to check out the short article yourself, and if you’re ready to learn more about our current Identity Matching solutions, visit our Identity Matching page or reach out via email to our team.


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