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4 Examples of Effective B2C Welcome Emails

Jan 28, 2015   |   2 min read

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B2C_Welcome_EmailsAs the old cliche goes, you’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression. When it comes to email marketing, a stellar first impression can transform a new prospect into a lifetime customer. Your welcome message is one of the most crucial components of your introductory process, and requires your most creative juices. Effective welcome emails imply the value of your product or service, encourage your subscriber to take the next step and leave an indelible impression of your brand.

Here are 4 of our favorite b2c welcome emails and what we love about them:

Kate_Spade_Welcome_EmailKate Spade

This email excels with two things: simplicity and brand identity. It includes all the necessary components of a great welcome email, and it does so with the brand’s signature flair. First, you have the bright, friendly eye-popping color often associated with Kate Spade. The primary message is splashed across the top of the message, followed by a short explanation identifying exactly what the subscriber can expect in the future: information on new arrivals, big events and special offers. Additionally, the subscriber enjoys instant value in the form of 15% off her next purchase. This immediate benefit encourages subscribers to begin shopping right away.


Like Kate Spade, this email falls in line with the brand’s image. By using the same fonts, colors and clean white look as the interior of an Ulta store, the brick-and-mortar experience translates seamlessly into online engagement. The best time to engage with your customers is after they engage with you, and sending a triggered email including a coupon encourages additional engagement. The coupon can be used immediately via the online store, but the company also includes a barcode for easy phone-scanning in store. Finally, the email includes a call-to-action to join the Ulta Rewards Program.

North_Face_Welcome_EmailThe North Face

Immediately, this email gives the subscriber the impression he is a member of an exclusive club. The message “We’re glad you’re one of us” not only thanks the customer for subscribing, but encourages brand loyalty. The rest of the email is simple and clean, and uses imagery consistent with the brand. Like our other most loved examples, The North Face email offers an immediate benefit: free shipping on the next order over $50. The calls to action at the bottom encourage immediate action.


If ever there was an award for simplest email, this message by Bonobos would win. Although it may seem curt, this sort of to-the-point language is part of the company’s identity and in-line with what its buyer personas expect. The command to “get started” is followed by a generous offer of 20% off the subscriber’s first order.

All four above examples share three things in common: they all feature an offer the subscriber can use immediately, they all include a clear CTA to encourage the subscriber to take immediate action and they all echo the brand’s personality. By following those best practices, you can enjoy higher engagement from your welcome emails.

Looking to make an impact on your audience? Sign up for InstantData to learn more about your subscribers to craft more meaningful messages.

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