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How to Leverage Consumer Data to Build Trust

Dec 31, 2021   |   2 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog

Trust is not often achieved overnight. In marketing, as in personal relationships, trust and loyalty are earned over an extended period of time through positive, meaningful interactions. Every time your consumers enjoy a favorable experience with your brand, they inch closer to becoming a devoted patron and, eventually, a brand advocate.

The challenge, however, is in providing a unique, personalized experience to each and every prospect. A company may have several thousand contacts in its database, and making a personal, relevant connection with each and every prospect has always been an arduous task for even the most experienced marketers.

The good news is, thanks to the wealth of customer data at your fingertips, you can begin earning your prospect’s trust faster than ever before.

Here are our top three tips for leveraging your customers’ data to build trust.

Use Data to Make Your Customers’ Lives Easier

One of the greatest things about having access to an abundance of consumer data is it helps you improve your customer’s overall experience. Information such as purchase history not only helps you achieve higher ROI through more targeted marketing efforts, it also eases the buying process for your consumer.

For example, uses recent purchase information to make subsequent purchases quick and painless. After a user buys an item, the company sends the contact an email with all order information as well as suggestions for items frequently purchased with the original item. This way, if a customer needs an accessory for the first purchase, they can do so without having to take steps to relocate the product or enter billing and shipping information. This simple feature shaves the purchase process down to a few seconds, thereby encouraging additional sales.

Geographic information can also help you craft more helpful emails. Examples of geographic-driven content might include daily deals for services in a customer’s neighborhood or contact information for a regional sales rep.

Make Your Marketing Human-to-Human

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in defining our communications as B2B or B2C we forget what marketing is really about: people communicating with people. Regardless of your business model, you need to be able to engage with your prospects on a personal level-and data can help you get there.

For example, a hotel chain might use consumer data to segment lists by contacts with small children and contacts without children. The subscribers with small children might receive an email highlighting popular family travel packages while subscribers without children might receive an email showcasing the best nightlife vacation spots. By using this simple piece of information, marketers can build relevant campaigns to connect with prospects on a personal and emotional level.

Gather the Right Data

Of course, the first step in translating consumer information into captivating messaging is obtaining the data. After all, an email marketing strategy without data is like a canoe without a paddle. Data not only shapes your strategy-it also drives ongoing success.

By using InstantData, you can immediately obtain all the consumer information you’ve been missing. This service will help you fill in the holes in your database so you can ensure an unsinkable strategy. The more you know about your subscribers, the easier it becomes to model an effective email marketing strategy.

Interested in instantly learning more about your consumers so you can inspire loyalty and build more relevant campaigns? Try InstantData today.

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