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Why Should I Use Video in My Next Marketing Email?

Jul 25, 2014   |   3 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog

couple watching video from emailVideo has the power to capture attention like few other email marketing tactics. In fact, more and more marketers say they are using or are planning to use video in their email initiatives. So what do they know that you don’t? Does video make sense for your email marketing campaigns?

Video Improves Email Metrics

According to a study by the Web Video Marketing Council, 88% of email marketers report a positive impact from incorporating video into their strategies. To quantify that further, an Experian study found that when marketers included the word “video” in an email subject line, open rates rose by 7%, conversion rates rose by 21% and average order value rose by 24%. Who wouldn’t want to see results like that?

Video Is Highly Deliverable

For years, video has had a bad rap for deliverability. Traditionally, many email service providers did not support video. To make matters worse, the huge file size of most videos caused excruciatingly slow load times.

However, with the advent of HTML5 and progressive playback, technology is no longer the problem. Lynn Baus at MarketingLand explains that HTML5 is supported by a very high number of email clients, allowing marketers to deliver video to most inboxes without the need for a third-party plug-in. HTML5 also allows the marketer to designate fallback media, such as an animated gif or static graphic, for the handful of email clients that don’t support video. And finally, thanks to the use of hosted, progressively downloadable video files, users can launch a video even while it’s buffering.

Video Adds a Human Touch

Rather than your email coming from a cold, impersonal email address, video adds a new layer of engagement that you simply can’t get from text alone. For example, you can bring new life to your products with video demonstrations, you can up-sell or cross-sell by highlighting features and benefits of related products, or you can use customer-generated videos to show how your products are making a difference in real-life settings.

Other types of video to consider include:

No matter how you choose to incorporate video into your email strategy, it’s clearly an important and effective tool. No more excuses: Now is the time to start learning how to leverage video for maximum advantage.

Looking for more ways to gain new advantages in your email campaigns? Download our eBook “Build, Clean, Personalize: The Recipe for Email Marketing Success”!

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