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Email Marketing Strategy: 6 Steps for Creating a Better Welcome Email

Jul 1, 2013   |   2 min read

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welcome letter coming out of envelopeThe welcome email may be the single most important email you send. Welcome emails are four times more likely to be opened than regular bulk emails and five times more likely to generate click throughs, according to eMarketer. They not only can make a great first impression on new subscribers, they also set the stage for future subscriber engagement.

Without a doubt, welcome emails are a vital part of your email marketing strategy. So how can you improve yours? In truth, you’re only limited by your own creativity. Here are a few suggestions to add fuel to your imagination and help you create a better welcome email.

    1. Set expectations: Let subscribers know exactly what emails you’ll be sending, when and why. The more specific the better. For example: “Every Thursday, we will send you updates on the hottest trends shaping the sports car world – from design lab to show room. If it impacts your passion for cars, we’ve got it covered!” Email software provider AWeber calls these welcome emails “little teasers” and says they’re “great for keeping subscribers hooked.” Subscribers know what they can look forward to and how to get the information they crave.
    2. Build a community: Email marketing agency Constant Contact suggests you let your subscribers know they’ve joined a thriving community. Tell them how many people read your email newsletter each month. Encourage them to join your followers on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. And don’t forget to let them know about your other email lists, too; if someone signed up for product update emails, they may also be interested in your blog updates, as well.
    3. Leverage your content: Provide links to the most popular articles on your blog to show subscriber’s what they’ve missed. Or take it a step further and compile these articles into an eBook or white paper and offer subscribers incredible value immediately.
    4. Encourage a transaction: Offer a coupon. Or even better, offer two coupons: one for the subscriber and one for a friend. They’re a great way to say “thank you” for subscribing. You can also offer a free consultation or free product trial. The experts at HubSpot suggest going so far as to include product images, product reviews and even a “Shop Now” button in the email template.
    5. Learn more about your subscribers: A short “get to know you” survey can help break the ice with new subscribers – and can also help you gather more robust lead intelligence, better target your content and improve your subscriber personas.
    6. Personalize the experience: Use this opportunity to build a personal connection with subscribers. Provide contact information – name, email address and phone number with direct extension – from a real person within your organization, and let subscribers know they can contact this person with any questions or concerns. This small act can go a long way toward making subscribers feel good about your company.

These are only a few suggestions designed to get you started. Ultimately, your welcome email should remind subscribers they made the right decision to opt into your list. And don’t forget, you’ll need to ensure your welcome emails are actually being delivered. Download the free guide, “Email Deliverability: 21 Steps to Success” to get the most out of your new subscriber list.

We’re interested in your ideas, too. What other creative approaches can you think of that might impress your new subscribers?

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